We had been planning since about 6 Months, that we had to work in a residence with a green kitchen. The Green Kitchen concept is nowadays pretty much on the rise. By a green kitchen we do not mean the interiors to be in green shade, it is the small garden accompanied or a area where one lets the greenery to grow in the kitchen. The Kitchen at Mr Basant Dass house was a perfect example of the same. They has about 45 mini plants growing in their Open spacious kitchen.
We revamped their kitchen and kept it very simple, open and kept lot of space for breathing. We got into our custom mode by having another hafele blum modular kitchen in noida, the kitchen had ample storage are hence the need to plan it get all space together was a necessity. Mr Deepak our key designer played another role in the planning of this kitchen. The execution and installation team played their role and over all our Kitchen was delivered in a span of 25 days and installed on time. ‘ We are, what our Team is…’
Love All – Serve All
June 19th, 2018
Mr Basant Dass
Residential Modular Kitchen & Wardrobes
The Design Indian Kitchen Company, noida,
We take Pride in our designs and plannings, we take our inspiration from the Nature. Its brings in authenticity and subtlety in all our works.
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We take Pride in our designs and plannings, we take our inspiration from the Nature. Its brings in authenticity and subtlety in all our works.
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