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Design Indian Kitchen

Modular Kitchen Vastu Tips | Important Vastu Points for Kitchen

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vastu guidance and tips for modular kitchen

How to Plan your Modular Kitchen as Per Vastu

Why is Vastu for Kitchen Important?

Well, for those who do not believe in it. It does not matter at all. But for those who do, it is an important aspect of their entire lifestyle.

There are specific energies around us in our environments and through vastu we can use them in the right directions. It just balances it all. Specially in the Kitchen area, where we are bringing raw foods from the markets and then making them into delicacies which are a source of energy for the whole family. This is basically the energy which makes us run around and do the practical works of life

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If there is an balance in the energies around we, the food consumed in that kitchen can prove to have an reactive effect on our system. The resultant for that can be our bad health, and even in our office works. Starting from the placements of the utensils, to the gas stove, or the counter top, or the colour of the walls, or even the sink placement everything matters in planning the vastu of your Modular Kitchen.

The Best Place to Plan your Kitchen

  • We recommend you to plan the south-east corner of your residence for you Kitchen. This direction in particular is for the fire element. Hence this must a good selection. If there is no possibilities for this area, then north-west direction can also be looked upon

The Entrance or Direction of the Kitchen

  • It is recommended to have the entrance door to be in East, North or West.
  • We do not suggest it is in any corner and must be in the middle.
  • The Kitchen vastu also states that the kitchen should not face the main entrance door of the residence.

Where to Plan the Stove for your Modular Kitchen

  • This is the area where all the meals for entire family will be cooked, hence we need to be sure on this if we are planning as per Vastu.
  • We recommend this area to be in South East direction, the cook or the family member should be facing the east direction since that brings in auspiciousness.

Where to Plan the Sink in Kitchen as per Vastu

  • This is the place where water would be flowing and is considered the most important part of the Kitchen as per vastu.
  • We recommend it to be placed in the north-east direction.
  • We also recommend that the sink should never be placed anywhere near the stove since fire and water repel.

Where should the Window be Placed in the Kitchen as per Vastu

Windows are a way to let negativity out, and vastu experts say that having a couple of windows in the kitchen is a must. An exhaust is also essential, and it should be placed in the East direction for letting out all the negative energies. Windows should also be placed in the same direction.

  • Window is the outlay to ventilation in the kitchen and to the negativity.
  • We recommend more than one window in the kitchen, an exhaust is a must.
  • The placement of window should be in east direction. All windows should be in the same direction.

Which Colour to Select for Kitchen Walls as per Vastu

  • Selection of Color must be decided as per vastu since it brings coolness and calmness to the mind.
  • Using Black colour in kitchen is not advised.
  • We recommend using bright colours like green, orange, red, light pink and so on. These are happy colours.

Placement of Refrigerator as per Vastu

  • We all have refrigerators in our residence kitchens, the way to place them is important.
  • As per our recommendation, we suggest it to be placed in the south-west directions.
  • Some distance should be kept away from the corner. Try to avoid the north-east directions.

Planning the Flooring as per Vastu

  • With manifold types of floorings in the market, we advice you marble

Placement of Food Grains

  • Since the placement of Grains and foods snacks, utensils and crockery are an important part in every kitchen.
  • We recommend storage units to placed in southern or western walls of the kitchen.
  • We recommend not to use the eastern and northern walls for storing grains.

Placement of Electric Appliances

  • All the electric appliances in our kitchen should always be placed in South-East direction.
  • It is never recommendable to place the appliances in the North-East directions.

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